Telecom Expense Management and Call Accounting Technology!

Telecom Expense Management and Call Accounting Blog!

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Are Your SaaS Apps Out of Control?

Saas, or Software as a Service, has been around for decades, but has grown more widely used since the emergence of cloud computing . The process of accessing an application over the internet is now accepted as a cost-effective and secure way of gaining all the benefits of sophisticated new technologies without the overhead needed to implement and m...
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What are You Doing to Safeguard Your AI From Cyberattacks?

​ Generative AI is rapidly becoming accepted as an instrumental part of today's IT departments, a valuable asset for CIOs and IT managers to use to analyze data and automate the process of procuring it. And there is plenty to like about a tool that helps streamline processes that used to require hours of manual work to conduct. While AI brings busi...
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Implementing AI: Where are IT Managers Focused?

Finally, after years of hype , CIOs and IT managers are getting a handle on generative AI . What was just a few years ago a nebulous concept is taking its place among other technologies and tools for IT departments to assess, acquire and implement to serve real world user needs. We're seeing less written in general terms about things like ChatGPT a...
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How Would You Grade Your IT Performance This Year?

Another year is under your belt as you look forward to a new one full of its own challenges and opportunities. It's a good time to take stock of this year … what worked, what didn't work and what adjustments are needed to make the new year more productive and innovative for your IT department and the organization you serve . Have you taken time to ...
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Where will CIOs and IT Managers Put Their Focus in 2025?

What's on tap for CIOs and IT managers in 2025? It's shaping up to be a year to exert more control over their digital transformation roadmaps as they build out practical uses for innovative technologies such as generative AI . It has taken a few years to move beyond the hype and grasp the value of these technologies in ways that can be transformed ...
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2025 IT Budgets: Challenges and Opportunities

​ These are interesting times for CIOs and their IT departments. While budgets are forecasted to rise modestly, high interest rates, persistent inflation, and a volatile stock market create a challenging environment for IT leaders seeking to meet their technology goals in a cost-efficient way. A CIO Magazine article covered the recently released Fo...
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Now More Than Ever: Get Your IT Basics Right

​ For CIOs and IT managers there's a lot more to manage these days. We have long stretched beyond the days of maintaining "dial tone" and are now in an era where strategic contributions are not only needed but expected by senior management, under pressure to secure the best technologies to help meet operational and intelligence needs. If you're in ...
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Are Your Vendors Too Big to Care?

We often hear from frustrated IT managers who bear the scars of dealing with large vendors. Being ignored in favor of other clients, waiting days for a callback, the list goes on. That's not to say that all large vendors don't care about their customers. Plenty do. However, we hear frequently about implementations that take months to years to compl...
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5 Ways You May Be Wasting Your IT Dollars

​ For most IT departments, there are more projects scheduled than there is money to pay for them. Technology innovations are coming at us fast and furious these days and end users are pushing for the latest and greatest. So it's on IT managers to establish a balance between what is necessary and what can wait. Moreover, budgets typically don't have...
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Are You Encountering These Data Management Challenges?

​ Every year it seems like more data is becoming unlocked and available for use by devices, applications, and platforms. That means that IT managers must make decisions on what data to collect, how to collect it and how to turn it into useful information for their end users. For many organizations, the default move is to just collect it, store it, ...
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6 Key Areas of Focus for CIOs and IT Professionals

For CIOs and other IT professionals it can be helpful to periodically step back and look at industry trends and how others in your field are tackling the many complex issues you all face. Where are other technology leaders putting their focus over the next year? Does it match up to your plans? What new technologies are they looking to implement? Th...
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It’s the End of Q1: Are You on Track?

The end of a quarter brings with it an opportunity to take stock of your goals, your department efficiency, and how you are serving your end users and helping to meet the broader strategic goals of your company. That's a lot to sort through, especially for busy IT managers who are, at any given time, juggling an array of projects while putting out ...
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What Could You Do with an Extra $100,000… or More?

​If you're an IT manager, it won't take long to answer that question. Between updating old systems , adding more apps for end users, and attracting new talent, another $100K would be welcome. So where can you find that kind of money? ​Through an audit of your telecom inventory and services. But not just any audit. We speak regularly to IT managers ...
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5 Tips for IT Managers to Save Money (and do more)!

Most of the IT managers we speak with are full of exciting plans for bringing new technologies into their companies. Frankly, one reason for this is that they are using WinBill® to keep a tight grip on expenses. It helps free them up to do some amazing things in their departments. How about your department? Are your plans being dragged down by a ti...
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What Are You Doing About Your Legacy Systems?

Chances are with very little effort; you can identify several legacy systems still being used in your company. If you are in IT, you are already well aware of them. These are the workhorses, the systems that just keep running. The ones that many technicians are afraid to touch, for fear of disrupting them. So they run and run. Until they don't. Tha...
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Key IT Trends to Watch in 2024

Information Week has published the results of the latest Gartner 2023 IT Survey and, while there are no big surprises, there are some insights that bear noting.  Spending is expected to reach a total of $5.1 trillion in 2024, according to the Gartner report and latest forecast. Most of those dollars will be spent in these areas: Public cloud s...
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10 Questions to Ask Before You Buy a TEM

It's that time of year again, when budgets for the new year are on every IT manager's mind. And with good reason. Budgets are tighter than ever, and odds are you won't get everything on your wish list. Probably far from it. So careful review of the "must haves" versus the "nice to haves" is warranted. There is one item, however, that deserves a pla...
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Too Many IT Projects? Set Some Priorities!

Anyone who has run an IT department knows that every day something new seems to crop up to take attention away from important projects and initiatives. That's because it's on you to make sure everyone has the tools and technologies to do their jobs. But it's also on you to inspire your team and company to invest in innovation and the future.  ...
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5 Tips to Sell Senior Management on Your IT Projects

​ Having worked with IT professionals like yourself for years, we've basically heard it all – your ups, downs, your challenges, failures and, our favorite, your successes. One recurring theme is all the great stuff you're doing that nobody notices. The old "no news is good news" dilemma. It's always the hiccups that get attention. Smoothly running ...
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The AI Balancing Act

5 Tips to Making AI Work for Your Company According to a recent Forbes report over 60% percent of businesses are looking to AI to improve customer relationships and over 64% expect AI to improve productivity. AI is here and the expectations are rolling in. What does that mean for IT professionals? It means that you are faced with the challenge of u...
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About TeleManagement Technologies, Inc.

TeleManagement Technologies, Incorporated (TTI) provides Telecom Expense Management and Call Accounting solutions designed to effectively track, integrate, manage and protect an organization's information technology resources. TTI's TEM solution, WinBill®, has developed a reputation for an impressive ROI, with clients reporting savings of 300% or more! WinCall® Call Accounting tracks all domestic and international locations regardless of PBX type (analog, digital, VoIP) to facilitate internal bill back, identify PBX toll fraud and increase employee productivity. Extensive reporting capabilities are also included for planning purposes. TTI's experienced, responsive support team helps keep CFOs and IT/Telecom departments in total control of their technology expenses.

Since 1987, TTI has been designing software products that provide a better solution to managing corporate technology, inventory, expenses and services. For more information, visit

Check out other recent posts by TTI

Saas, or Software as a Service, has been around for decades, but has grown more widely used since the emergence of cloud computing. The process of accessing an application over the internet is now accepted as a cost-effective and secure way of gainin...
​Generative AI is rapidly becoming accepted as an instrumental part of today's IT departments, a valuable asset for CIOs and IT managers to use to analyze data and automate the process of procuring it. And there is plenty to like about a tool that he...
Finally, after years of hype, CIOs and IT managers are getting a handle on generative AI. What was just a few years ago a nebulous concept is taking its place among other technologies and tools for IT departments to assess, acquire and implement to s...
Another year is under your belt as you look forward to a new one full of its own challenges and opportunities. It's a good time to take stock of this year … what worked, what didn't work and what adjustments are needed to make the new year more produ...
What's on tap for CIOs and IT managers in 2025? It's shaping up to be a year to exert more control over their digital transformation roadmaps as they build out practical uses for innovative technologies such as generative AI. It has taken a few years...
​These are interesting times for CIOs and their IT departments. While budgets are forecasted to rise modestly, high interest rates, persistent inflation, and a volatile stock market create a challenging environment for IT leaders seeking to meet thei...

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