First you need to look at your department and throughout your company for areas where savings can be attained. Here are five things you can do to make optimize savings and free up money to do all those great things you are planning:
Conduct a project shake down. Set some priorities. Get input from key stakeholders. Be objective. What projects will give you the greatest return? Which ones can wait?
Optimize what you already have. You may have legacy systems that are impeding operations and impacting productivity of your workforce. However, there may be some systems that continue to work well if you are running the latest version. When was the last time you upgraded?
Review your invoices for errors and other anomalies. Why? Because your vendors won’t tell you about them. It’s up to you. This, by the way, is where WinBill® can really help. Provided either as licensed software or as a hands-free managed service, you will see those billing errors in time to get the refunds you deserve.
Re-negotiate your contracts.Your vendors are happy to just keep renewing the contract you signed three years ago. Yet there are undoubtedly savings to be had. Make sure you’re auditing your vendors.
Improve visibility over all your systems. That old saying, “You can’t manage what you can’t see” is more applicable than ever, given all the new tools associated with digital transformation. Can you view all your invoices in one place? Do you have reports to tell you where spending may be out of control? Visibility is key to identifying savings.
How many of the above are you doing? All? Some? You may have a list of amazing projects and technologies for your company. But if you're not keeping your eyes on the ball when it comes to saving money, all those great ideas risk getting kicked to the back burner. And staying there.
The good news is that it doesn't have to be that way. As IT veterans, we'd be happy to talk with you about your situation, needs and plans. We've helped thousands of IT managers run a tight ship so that they have the resources to take advantage of new technologies to serve their end users.