Review the inventory.Make sure you include all subscriptions. Often unused app subscriptions are evergreen and will continue even when not being used.
Eliminate redundant and/or unnecessary SaaS apps.A thorough review of the apps will make this clear quickly. It is important to include employee input as to the value of these apps. Keep an open mind.
Address security risks.Make sure your security settings comply with industry standards and that they are optimized to guard against cyberattacks. Verify that those using the apps are current employees and that their permissions are in line with your usage protocols.
Create and enforce protocols for use of SaaS apps.Put into place procedures that provide regular oversight and a method for evaluating new applications while maintaining control. Be sure to educate your employees on proper usage and protocols for accessing your SaaS applications.
Conduct regular reviews.Many IT departments conduct regular audits of all their systems and software. These should include a review of your SaaS applications to ensure that the process and protocols you have established are being followed.
SaaS is an efficient way to deliver a wide range of powerful tools to organizations without the implementation and maintenance headaches. To maximize that power, however, SaaS must be properly managed through clear protocols, employee collaboration, strong cybersecurity measures, and ongoing review. Doing so creates an environment that enables companies to access groundbreaking software tools through the cloud, saving time and company resources while fueling greater productivity.
Feel free to contact us with your questions and challenges. We are always happy to share our expertise and insights. We can also provide information on our telemanagement SaaS applications that have helped hundreds of organizations gain control over their IT/telecom expenses. We're here to help!