Maintaining Compliance:
How TEM Takes on the Challenge!

Compliance. It's a word that often brings groans and sighs.

No one wants to think about it, but we all know that equipment, purchases and contracts can quickly fall out of compliance with company policies; often without anyone knowing about it until thousands of dollars later or until it impacts service or other contracts. Then comes the head scratching and finger pointing.

"49% of enterprises indicate enforcing policy compliance is a primary challenge for their organization."

One of the problems with compliance is that managers tend to put people on the task of monitoring and ensuring that technology policies and procedures are being complied with. But with today's TEM capabilities, this is no longer necessary. In fact, TEM will bring higher accuracy and better long term organization.

Did you know that different rule sets can be programmed into your TEM to make sure policies are being enforced?

Let's take mobile devices as an example. Most organizations have a list of approved devices. The policy rules governing the purchase and use of those devices can be programmed into your TEM to ensure that all purchases are in accordance and that service plans are always tied appropriately to the correct device.

Now your valuable people can be used for more analytical tasks which, given today's technology climate and increasingly mobile-focused usage trends, will keep them busier than ever.

According to the ATOMP, organizations with a mobile policy and dedicated compliance and enforcement efforts have reduced overall mobile expense by 21%.

Compliance is just one of the ways TEM can provide long term benefits!

Read more in the TTI/AOTMP white paper, TEM: Benefits Beyond Cost Savings.

About TeleManagement Technologies, Inc.

TeleManagement Technologies, Incorporated (TTI) provides Telecom Expense Management and Call Accounting solutions designed to effectively track, integrate, manage and protect an organization's information technology resources. TTI's TEM solution, WinBill®, has developed a reputation for an impressive ROI, with clients reporting savings of 300% or more! WinCall® Call Accounting tracks all domestic and international locations regardless of PBX type (analog, digital, VoIP) to facilitate internal bill back, identify PBX toll fraud and increase employee productivity. Extensive reporting capabilities are also included for planning purposes. TTI's experienced, responsive support team helps keep CFOs and IT/Telecom departments in total control of their technology expenses.

Since 1987, TTI has been designing software products that provide a better solution to managing corporate technology, inventory, expenses and services. For more information, visit

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