By Mark on Friday, 19 July 2024
Category: Telecom Expense Management Blog

5 Ways You May Be Wasting Your IT Dollars

For most IT departments, there are more projects scheduled than there is money to pay for them. Technology innovations are coming at us fast and furious these days and end users are pushing for the latest and greatest. So it's on IT managers to establish a balance between what is necessary and what can wait. Moreover, budgets typically don't have a lot of wiggle room to accommodate those "shiny objects" that your end users keep pestering you about.

What all this means is that to afford new technologies you have to make sure you are running a tight department in terms of saving money. Yet you might be surprised at how much waste occurs every day in today's IT departments.

Here are five money traps that can keep you from moving forward with new projects and initiatives:

Are you running a tight ship? Or are you running into one or more of the money-draining issues above? If you are, you're not alone. Many IT professionals find that they are leaving money on the table due to less than stellar contracts, sloppy inventory management, lack of visibility over invoices and other costly issues. By addressing them and making adjustments to how you manage your inventory, contracts and processes, you will save money and be better prepared to handle the next challenge that comes your way.

The good news is that we have your back. Our IT/Telecom experts can help you become more efficient and effective while saving significant money (usually between 25-40% off your annual telecom spend). And, we have the technology expense management (TEM) tools to support your efforts and give you greater visibility of all your assets and greater clarity to all that you do. Now is a great time to contact us. We're here to help.